Purple Girl's Next Planet: Passed Over!

The next, in-progress novella of the Purple Girl Literary Universe is out of this world (literally). Here's your exclusive sneak peak of Passed Over:

"She was just an observer, watching as the cars on the street and the people on the sidewalk turned into little dots that swam past each other.

She probably would’ve thought it was an incredible thing to see, if she could think.

She couldn’t think in The Over. She only knew that The Over was horribly cold and much too loud when she tried to remember it. When she was actually there, the sensation of thought was completely null. There were no twinges of desire, nothing pulling her mind away from the moment. She didn’t even have a mind anymore, she had no body. She could only watch as the world got very far for a time that felt impossibly long in hindsight.

But as she drew farther up, and it got darker, and the freezing cold drew deeper within, another imperceptible sensation would seep into the bundle of Ulma. It came in bursts sometimes when a thick clump of cloud would interrupt her floating path. The thickness of the cloud was smothering, like a building pressure on all sides of Ulma’s bundle, but when she passed the cloud, it would go away.

But as she got higher and higher, the pressure and the insurmountable thickness got stronger and stronger. It closed in so tightly around her that it made Ulma’s chest tighten and heave quickly with short breath whenever she thought about it.

And the cold and the mounting pressure would be so tight, and unbearable, and intense that the bundle couldn’t take it anymore. And every time she thought about it, she thought, in that very moment, she should surely be gone forever.

But instead, she started falling. Fast."